Going fast!

It has been a busy week of school so far, and I can not believe we are in our third week. I think we are in a pretty good routine and I am starting to relax more. I am reading some daily devotions to help me meditate when I start to feel anxious. It does keep my head clear of some of the negative thoughts I have. As well reaffirm that I am doing the right thing.
I think if Evan said he wanted to go to school I would be very sad. I am enjoying my time with him and I too am learning so much. I love not rushing him out the door in the morning. He also has said he liked LA! Something I never thought I’d hear.
Bring on Wednesday! Lets go!

Sad days

Today I am away from school .. A dear friend lost her mom , this week , and I am in her hometown to attend the funeral and offer my love. This is my first time, one of my close friends , has lost their mom. It has made me reflect on my own mom and how truly blessed I am to have her as my mom.
I listened to all the wonderful things this family had to say about their mom , and it made me realize that even the little things are always held dear to one’s heart. Something as simple as baking a cake or knitting slippers with grand kids is truly special. It made me realize that even when I feel like being a mom is too tough , that I have to keep loving and giving. Even when I am not getting anything in return. For the reward is in the future , in the legacy we leave behind.
I watched this family come together to support, love and laugh , with each other, and I thought this is what their mom created. She would be proud that all her work , love and caring truly did come through.
So all moms out their keep loving your kids and helping them grow we are the water that makes them bloom🌷

Thumbs up!

Amid all my home renovations , Evan and I managed to have a productive day. Today I feel like homeschooling is starting to piece itself together. We have a good routine with regards to the core subjects. I still have some anxiety ,over the number of hours, or if he’s learning what the other grade seven students are. When that happens I call my other home school friends and they calm my nerves. I am feeling much more at peace and my new attitude towards math is helping me as well.
At the end of our day Evan surprised me by saying , “Mom I want to do this next year!”
I wasn’t expecting that but I am also not jumping the gun. One day at a time , I think I will stick to that.

Taking advantage of the Day

Yesterday was one of those days early fall days that are incredibly beautiful. It is on a day like this that I marvel at the beauty of our planet.
The day began like all our school days do, with lessons and work, then before lunch we made the decision to go fishing! We walked together, to the fishing spot, and began our casts. The weather was perfect and the water was warm. Although we did not catch one fish it was the best three hours I’ve spent with Evan, in a very long time. We walked back talking and laughing and I thought to myself , this is worth it!!




Stanley the Betta Fish

Welcome Stanley , Evan’s new Betta fish. Yesterday we brought him home. A cute little guy red and green. So today we scrapped the science work I had planned and focused on the fish. Evan’s science was to research Betta fish and create a report. It was interesting to learn about these fish. They are not as simple as they look!

Evans own words: the fish report was easy and fun. I learned interesting facts about Beta fish. Aka.Siamese Fighting Fish.


Friday !!

Yes I am happy it is Friday. It has been an interesting week and I have learned a few more things. I have learned that my child is not in a race and I need to slow down. He will finish the lessons even if it takes longer than I planned. I also learned that I am going to miss my Me Time … And to make sure I still have some.
I forgetting that this new type of schooling is going to take a few weeks to adjust too, for him and myself. I need to believe in the process and keep working on the journey.
I still think it is a wonderful way to teach a child and I know he is liking many aspects of it. With a little patience and time this will be all worth it.


Truth be told

I am learning a lot about myself with my boy. I have to remember that not always will my agenda be completed. As a list maker I am compelled to check each item off as it feels satisfying to do just that! However , with homeschooling it does not always go as planned. Today I realized I can’t expect my plans to always work out. Maybe I will become satisfied with simply just doing what feels right for the day.

Evans own words.. “I feel like we are accomplishing a lot. But it’s hard sometimes because my mom gets frustrated. I hope she can learn to be more patient ” I still want to do this though. It’s good.


Our first day is done!

Well it went pretty good! I woke up with the flu but I had all the lessons already planned so we got right at it. We started at 9 and worked til 1.30. I am optimistic I have made the right choice!

Evan: in his words. This day was a good experience , fun, and new. I feel like I did more today than I would in 4 days of school. I think it’s going to be good.
